segunda-feira, 30 de março de 2009

#27 - Update

Vou copiar e colar o post do Zaitsev (Cardrunners) aqui, pra quem não viu. Muito bom os textos dele, sempre colocando o dedo na ferida.

HARD. If this game wasn't hard, then it wouldn't be much fun now would it? If it was easy, solvable, this game would be uninteresting and boring. How many "easy" games survive? I think a problem with most non-winning players is they don't work hard enough at their game. I have yet to hear someone that has told me, "Alex, I am a part of all 3 training sites, I have watched virtually every video, I do HH reviews after every session, I have a coach, and I play 3-4 hours a day", ever be a non-winning player eventually. If you think you deserve to win, chances are you don't. You don't deserve shit. Take an honest look at yourself, are you working hard enough to win? You think watching 1 vid/week, getting 1 lesson/week, and playing 5-10 hours a week will make you a winning player? Give me a break. You're just being average.


Mais uma cirurgia pra conta! Até tirei fotos do meu joelho, mas acho meio nada a ver colocar aqui. Tudo inchado (chega até a assustar) e cicatriz pra todos os lados hehehe

Agora é bastante repouso, tirar os pontos semana que vem e começar a fase de recuperação (fisioterapia, reforço muscular, natação, academia etc). Paciência... Obrigado pelos comentários! :))))

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